2009 resolutions

Friday, January 02, 2009 Posted by YY on 12:51 AM

I want to:

  1. Go snorkeling at Taiwan/Japan
  2. Take Cake Stage 3 course
  3. Take more Bread Making courses
  4. Visit Hokkaido, Okinawa, Tokyo at one go -.-'
  5. Make some progress on my dream/goal
  6. Get a promotion, yes I am looking at it since start of FY08.
  7. Go clubbing or smth with good music, no hip hop
  8. Continue loving my kittenys
  9. See/touch snow at Hokkaido
  10. Learn dancing maybe?
  11. Go ice skating
  12. Neuter the black male thats causing a new influx of kittens
  13. Cut down on carbs

Let me add on to this list tmr...