Dinner @ Pasta Brava - Craig Road (22/02/08)

Tuesday, April 15, 2008 Posted by YY on 12:26 AM

Friday after work, arrived late at Pasta Brava at ard 9pm after a movie @ vivocity
* which I cannot recall at all -.-....K finally recalled its 'L changed the world' or did he not? *
Its my 2nd visit here..great to know that they are still opened.

Table is covered with white paper, and each table is given some colored chalk to doodle while waiting for food. Nice ambience ..flame flickering, shadows ...*others are olive oil, cold water*

Free bread given for each table. Very good stuff.

Rem to request for this dip, walnut pesto. *if u have been following my blog, we have attempted this dip sometime ago*

The deco seems like oriental + western..there's this white horsehead @ the cashier..blocked by the guy moving in the pic zzzzz

K's main course: Cannelloni Ripineni Con Carne D'A : $21, Minced mutton and then baked with tomato sauce and cheese.

My main course: Filetti Di Pollo Alla Senape: $25, chicken fillet with mushroom in cream sauce. Fantastic~

More of the overall ambience~~ Some angmohs there in the background*don't care..continue to take my pics*

Total dmg incl. GST + Svc Charge = $54.10

Pasta Brava Restaurant
11 Craig Road, Tanjong Pagar Rd
Tel: 62277550