Finally managed to get my sis to abandon her ECA and go baking lesson with me. $80 per person, isn't exactly cheap for that YH *YH is my 2nd sis* , who has owed me $ ..always -.-'
Got there at 12noon, and queued for this Curry Rice, eee~ $4.70 for 2 meat one veggie..luckily we two shared a plate.But it was fulfiling and great tasting =)
Located at near Tiong Bahru Mkt opposite. There's always a Q, so I guess it won't be hard to spot.
Went into the class and was told today its 3 person to a team. Zzzzz i dun want to team with others. Duno why today 40pple in total, it used to be 30 pple a class.
Luckily someone-not-so-auntie joined us. There were a few more at the counter who wanted to join the class *on waiting list* but was told there's no one cancelling today. I hate it when its a full class, u know why? Those KIASU AUNTIES always snatch stuff, more abt it later~Basically making the donut dough is very simple, dump everything in , mix until a certain stage whereby its stretchy dough and WAIT! Yes literally wait..wait..until it raises on its own -_-'
Ding dong~ ding dong half an hour went by...
We were supposed to bring back 10 different flavours of donuts back..which makes 20pcs cos me and sis bring bck 10 each omg~
Red bean fillings..and chocolate
The chef's finish products, looks colorful eh and PROFESSIONAL~
And a whole new meaning to the word 天壤之别? Or shld i say NOOB?
Plain with chocolate and colorful choco rice
Apple crumble fillings inside, so made it to look like an apple
Eh another plain donut, with cour cream and blue berry jam in the middle. The ribbon in pink is there becos..I duno what to pipe --
Chocolate with nuts and mint flavouring.
Was damn disgusted with those AUNTIES, there was supposed to be Bonito flakes *those u put on takopachi* for all to decorate their wasabi cream donut. However, those kiasu biatches took a big chunk and left none for the rest. Its damn irritating u know, we pay the fees too. Its the last straw and I am sending my email to complain abt it. *Talk abt singaporeans being complain queens/kings*
And if you took more than 2mins to use the cutter to cut diff shapes from donuts, those aunties get so impatient that they say, QUICK pass to me la. Den give u the stare that says u irritating woman, give it to me now. And ends off with a zerk! sound before storming away. Stupid fools..wait a few mins will die?
So much donuts that we bought 2 cake boxes from the counter in the sch.YH placed it on the table, and 1 pc went missing. She got so irritated that she went roaring,"Which idiot took my paper box????!!!" ** paper box also wanna steal, 50cts only. Stupid pple..
5mins later, YH came back with another box. I asked her,"U went to complain to Uncle abt someone steal ur box right? Den he give u foc another one?" YH replied,"Yah, i told him some idiot stole my box" Lol, i laughed at her for her tatic to sa jiao to get a new box.
I suspect its the guy in front of us who stole the box though..RAWR!
Lesson took so long, from 1pm to 7pm..I was bushed. Ok allow me to "flaunt" the donuts one last time, *pls forget what decorations the professional chef made*