Dinner @ Da Paolo (24/02/08)

Friday, April 18, 2008 Posted by YY on 12:24 AM

Following the very full lunch..we went shopping in orchard and bought some silver plated accessories @ far east lvl3 (great stuff i tell you..3pcs for$20) , cam whored abit..but since K is shy, I won't disclose the pics XDD

Dinner @ Da Paolo near cluny court ..somewhere along bukit timah area.

Secluded pathway lined with japanese bamboo, leading to Da Paolo

Bread served as usual *is this the usual practice for italian food?*

Balsamic vinegar with olive oil for dipping bread, pretty different feel compared to other types of pesto

My main course: crab meat pasta about $28, the noodles here are very interesting..reminds me of springy mee pok -.-' *how degrading to call pasta meepok?!*

K's main course: Duck liver pasta with baby tomatoes, VERY GOOD STUFF! Highly recommend 2 persons to share this actually..cos liver is quite oily,heavy in flavour. This dish tastes like foie gras..cheaper version that is abt $30

You must be wondering why we are eating @ so much places these few days (22/2 to 24/2) cos 25th is my birthday and this K is going for 3 weeks reservist..ah smart forces~ After dinner, I was presented with this present, whipped out my camera, snapping as I unwrapped it.

Ooo its solitaire style earrings..well, i managed to squeeze the price outta him later on, so chek ark of me XDD