Shop Name:猫花园
Location: Opposite 芝山(mrt station)捷运站
Operating Hours: 12noon to 12mn
Minimum spending: NT100(weekdays) to NT150(weekends)
Other Review Links:
* June 2003 review (Japanese Site)
* August 2005 review (Japanese Site)
Note: You can see the dog and cats "baby pics" inside these reviews!!
We arrived at Cafe Dog and Cats on a late afternoon. This cafe is just opposite the 芝山 MRT station *refer to map below* Cafe Dog and Cats is one of the highest rated cafes listed here and of course we must visit them.
This time YH and YJ will get to interact with A DOG..yah it reads Cafe DOG and CatS.
Upon entering Cafe Dog and Cats we found the ambience really different from Minimal Cafe. This cafe has the idyllic feel but yet its in a restaurant setting.
Then came a big burly moustached man(presumably the owner) who ushered us to our table. He told us to place our orders first then look at the cats..we meekly complied. We thought he looked kinda weird to be working with cats since he's such a boar. But our impression changed later when he actually picked up the shaver and groomed a cat right on the spot! He's a gentle giant XD
Relaxing afternoon for the cat who's staring out into the streets..watching passerbys.
I sneaked up behind this kitty and patted it, it didn't resist but just continued to stare outside.
The cat above soon came over to our table and sat on this chair that says "猫咪专用" (only for cats) The cats in the cafe were all well trained to sit on their designated chairs and food is prepared in the kitchen with no cats hanging around there. Another thing to note is that most of the cats in this cafe were more expensive(pedigree) than those in Minimal Cafe.
Another cat came by to investigate us @.@ One of the cats even mistaken K's leg as the scratching post and started "sharpening" its claws(no blood was drawn heh~) on him.
Very fat and round ginger cat. Pardon me for the yellowish photos, this is the mode with fastest shutter speed le.
As soon as we placed our orders for food, we started scouting around for cats. Tons of pics were taken and I think it actually exceeds the pics we take for any particular place of interest. *Tons and tons of photos were sieved through before compiling this blogpost and the cats were extremely hard to capture with slow shutter speed cameras*
Hmm dunno why there's a mynah here but its not to be trifled. It wanted to attack K when he tried to touch it -_-'' How about Cafe Bird Dog and Cats?
To feed the dog/cats here, you have to purchase pet snacks over the cashier. YH bought a pack and then something happened..a cat leaped up the table.
Food came and the cat looked on o.o
We ordered seafood spaghetti, cake and baked of the food later.
YH: "Stop looking at my food..Don't come over ar~"
Then more cats came because they all want pet snacks..and YH,YJ got surrounded >_>
YH held the packet high up..and the nearer they came XDD
The dog came as well :D
Suddenly we noticed this cat who came to our table since we sat down..was staring at something 0.0
What's he looking at???
It's my cake! *We took great pains to snap a clear pic* We actually shifted the cake around and found its eyes following cute >.<
Clearly the cat is not pleased :-(
He's such a beautiful long haired cat. Its a he! *Read from the Japanese site*
From the Japanese site, it says the cat's name is Meow Meow (ミャオミャオ)and it loves products with milk in it (乳製品が大好き) No wonder it stared at our cake with great interest!
We went back to Cafe Dog and Cats again on the day before we left Taiwan cos we missed the animals. This time it was raining cats and dogS *pun*
We realised that the cafe also stores photo albums containing baby photos and details(Name, DOB, DOD) of the cats that once lived with them, including those that passed away.
We wondered who this was at first o.O?? After comparing the pics at the Japanese Site, we realised this is Meow Meow~~ Kawaii!!
This is Butter when he was a kitten..
When he's all grown up =D
From the website, it is stated that Butter and 花花 has got a baby named 小乖 but we didn't really identify who it is -.-''
I ordered a pot of Chrysanthemum Tea which came in exquisite tea pot and cup set together with honey. Beautiful~
One of the main course: Seafood Spaghetti. Fantastic stuff! The tomato paste was just nice and the noodles were not under/over cooked.
Baked Rice. Not bad according to K.

It was a rainy day so most of the cats were pretty sleepy..all curled up in their beds.
Except for one vocal cat, 花花 who was more than glad to be patted. It stood on its hind legs trying to reach K(who was standing) and placed its paws on him. This is also Butter's mate o.O, parent of 小乖.
Overall, I feel Cafe Dog and Cats is pretty good in terms of food, hygience and types of cats available except there were no kittens. A must visit for all cat lovers =( o.o )=
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