Big walkin virus in the office

Tuesday, August 15, 2006 Posted by YY on 9:29 AM

There's this guy in the office less than 5m away..
He keeps coughing like he has got TB *he's a smoker*, with his mouth OPENED! He was on mc yesterday and today he's back..he's bent on giving us EACH a mc or two!

My team leader beside him, is feeling sick already..and i m having a running nose and sore throat..

Although i seem to be condeming him, i would like to highlight taken this way are not bad too ;P

There is this quote:" Live like it will never be again, love like you have never been hurt, work like you don't need the money"..
I would like to say ..:" Eat chilli like it will never be again, drink cold water like you have never been cool, take mc like you don't need the money.." >.>

小狗,小猫, 小羊 到 7-11 去买东西。