So on saturday nite, he booked with me beside him via the online site.
What is sky dining? This is it : Taking cable car ride for 2hrs while having dinner in it.
This is a model of it on top of Mt Faber.

6pm : Rushed from office, got on first bus..arrived at bedok mrt..and ran for MRT
6.30pm: Reached Harbour Front MRT..Calls bibi on hp. "Where u?" "Haven reach.."
6.45pm: Brisk walk to Harbour Front Tower 2 shows counter staff the printed receipt and takes cable car to Mt. Faber.
7pm: Got to Mt Faber and we were told to wait awhile for them to prepare meanwhile I went around taking pics ^^
Just came out from the toilet and bibi took a pic of me..The cleaner behind me actually pressed the tap for me..but sorry no tips >.>
Finally dinner was prepared, and we started taking pics on the ride..
Appetiser was great, tomoto soup with smoked salmon.
Was busy taking pics of the scenary ..and my hands kept shaking..
In cable car No. 15

And something happened!
I felt sick..oh no..i had motion sickness from trying too hard to focus to take pics..Shiet!
Heng I got motion sickness tablets which I got from doc last week when I had fever.
If you have read my past entries, I had motion sickness from cruise in typhoon I am on a romantic dinner in cable car having motion sickness too..damn..I dun want to "在十万尺的高空中" puke lor...So my second course dinner was not that enjoyable as the first as my gastric was churning..I had to get bibi to cut the chicken up for me :(
The chicken with some black pepper sauce
Dory fish and the sauce had wine in it....eeeek!
In our package, it was supposed to include 2 glasses of wine..but since we didnt drink, we had 2 orange juice instead. Notice the photos at the corner? A photographer took it for us before we started dinner, and ask us to ENJOY it during dinner..have u got the hint?
Dessert was so~so..brownie cake..not hot enough and there's no vanilla ice cream :(
The photos we were told to enjoy..costs $30 for a BIG picture + 2 wallet sized pics + 2 mini frames with photo..we didnt buy the BIG huge picture..its so..dim dey --> take up space..
So $20 buy the 4 pics.. >.> its still expensive.. -_-''
2 photos in mini frame
and 2 mini pics
Some random pics...this is the cable car system..quite dark

After the 2 hrs cable car ride ended, my feet touched the ground AGAIN..~! Wee..i almost instantly felt better -.-
It was quite an experience, although it was pricey. Food was good minus motion sickness.
Thank you to Bibi for this arrangement and the nice present ^^
Great for pple who are declaring their love / proposing / special occasions. Imagine the girl stuck with u on the cable car ride..u can take ur time to declare/ convince her of your love..
But why is this CK image coming into my mind -___-'''