Its my 3rd time in 3 yrs visiting HK, of cos I won't be so eh..excited?
But it has been 10yrs since I last visited HK in winter season, this time its not very cold except at night and on the 1st day I actually shivered even though I wore socks to sleep =.='''
K is first time visitor to HK, so as half a hongkonger(such a word exists mah?) I brought him around to do touristy stuff =>买东西, 吃东西,买东西, 吃东西,买东西, 吃东西
Which was what I did everytime ..>.>'' he ended up with more new clothings than me hor.. >=(
1st day:
UA Flight..woke up @ 4am and receive sms while I was changing..K says he's in airport liao..I am friggin' at home still ~ lololol..its not that I am cool about travelling i.e. not gan cheong but cos my dad refuses to wake up so early hehe =.='
After eating some junk @ the airport departure cafe *obviously I forgot what I ate*, I spotted the OTO BIG FOOT..not bad but not suitable for small feet(size 5) of mine >.<'
Had to go home for dinner, therefore we didn't have much time except to look for Ah Mew Cafe. Walked round and round Harbour City~~~ I was dam irritated...
So we decided to go home for dinner, since its getting late..after walking past this old building, I stepped back a few steps..there it is ..the building we are looking for! Climbed upstairs and there you are, inside the Ah Mew Cafe~
Scenery outside the cafe -.-'
One of the grouchy grey kitty..furry stuff~
Only 5plus..these 2 cats slept like they had sloughed thru the day..which I seriously doubted.2 cats curled up nicely on a cushion, peaceful nap..occasionally awaken by my camera shutter.
So there I was happily sipping my drink while watching the cats~
2 cat lovers @ cat cafe => must take pic >.>
There was this cat which was posing on the sofa..however, it just had this stone expression hoho~ sianed from posing?
Ambience Pics~