Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy Concert

Monday, May 25, 2009 Posted by YY on 11:52 PM

We bought the tickets wayyyy back in March and now its finally 23rd May =D
K's a FF music fan, but for me its my first time listening to FF music.

2nd level circle seats.

The 1st half..I didn't manage to capture pictures for the 2nd half programme.

Sneaky pic before start of concert -_-''
The circle seats were really good and there was this guy that kept screaming "Noubo &@!@#$ San whenever he caught a glimpse of the main composer for FF songs, Nobuo Uematsu (great composer).

The conductor, Arnie Roth was fantastic too. But I have to say that our local vocalist, didn't quite make the mark. Was it unfair to compare her against Izumi Masuda @ Distant Worlds, Tokyo? I don't know, but the youtube video gave me more "feel" compared to the live orchestra performance at The Esplanade.

My Favourite for Singapore's Distant Worlds concert:
1. Distant Worlds
2. To Zanarkand
3. One Winged Angel