If you have been reading my blog, you would have noticed how much I loved Nirai Kanai's pork belly, finally managed to try it today on our own.
Started marketing early in the morning *nt me la..i still snoozing -_-' * But couldn't find the FATTY pork belly, so got something less fat..*whats up man..everyone wants fatty meat suddenly?! * Couldn't get pig bones either, so soup stock for noodles would have to be done using pork ribs le lor..zzz~
Starters: Sesame paste salad dressing with bacon bits, roasted garlic and butterhead
Main course : Rafute Ramen (Stew Pork Belly with ramen)
Drink : Bundaberg Lemon and Lime Bitters
Starting cooking real early, pork ribs need to boil abt 3hrs *actually I think can be longer*, and the stew pork belly sauce..needs damn long..
To begin with, let's broil the pork belly on pan first and scrape off the black parts. To be honest, I duno what this process is for..to remove the pig hairs?!
Pork ribs soup boiling~

This is KELP (the leaves), it comes in dried version. Wipe clean before putting into water to boil. Switch off once water starts to boil, cos it will turn slimy~ The stock is called dashi stock. We didn't put in bonito flakes though..
This sauce is a real horror, cos it uses 200grams of sugar, one whole small bottle of Jap soy sauce, 1 cup of scotch whisky, garlic, ginger...... and one cup of the above dashi stock.
Boil for freaking long time, *look at time on photos* and we add in the pork belly
Meanwhile, to make the salad we sorta roast the white sesame seeds abit in the pan. *Do not over roast, it turns bitter*
Add in mirin and cook for another half hr, uncovered~

Sesame paste , looks like baby's food eh -_-' Includes sugar *yes sugar again* , vinegar, mayonaise, onion, soy sauce
The final salad, leafy stuff : buttercup, very good for salads. Roasted garlic and fried bacon bits included.
Noodles cooked in pork ribs soup, with spring onions, fried onion, soft braised egg and our main star: stew pork belly. Braised egg was cooked for 4minutes in water, then remove shell and dipped in the pork belly gravy till colored. *note egg yolk is 3/4 cooked*
To end off the satisfying meal, we had a fizzy lemony drink~

As K was saying I have not been rating the previous expedition, that's because I participated mah..then if I say good like old wong sell cucumber, ownself sell ownself praise. -.-'
Sesame paste dressing : 7/10 *room for improvement to remove sesame sediments*
Ramen soup base: 7/10 *room for improvement in taste department*
Egg: 8/10 *can dip inside gravy for longer time*
Stew Pork Belly: 8/10 *cld be more authentic with using Awamori - okinawan wine, but we cannot find in SG zzzz~*