Haven been cooking for a long time, or rather I have been restless these weekends.
I have something to do but I don't feel like doing it.
Anyways, I bought a canele silicon mould today for my canele challenge.
I can only find/afford silicon moulds ($17) cos the freaking copper moulds costs about US$17~ 20 for 1 piece O_O
And we went to Metro at Compass Point to while our time away cos we were supposed to meet my parents to go down to my Uncle's wake. Ooo I got attracted to the Guess Counter and here's my present from K.
Had dinner with Beng today and he said he will bring me to a secret place hmm~~
We arrived at 5th floor of The Central after dinner.
Right in front of us is this weird metal doors that looks like a elevator.
This secret place has got some basic dress code and doesn't open on Sundays.
Beng then proceeded to press one of the buttons beside the "elevator".
Ahh~ here we are in Helipad. This is the 1st storey, air conditioned seats.
Very dimly lit. There's also a door that leads to some standing tables, where you can chat, drink, stand and enjoy the view of Singapore's night life.
Beng said its so dim that you can do anything at the table and no one sees it *yea right*
Stepping out of the door, we walk up this flight of stairs.
Up up and away! Looked down and saw the top most storey of the multi storey carpark.
2nd storey of Helipad. W00t! Super ambience with natural winds.
I ordered a Shirley Temple and Beng had Helipad's Ice Tea..$9 and $18 nett respectively.
The ambience here is fantastic except that music is lousy. Drinks wise, the quality is ok nothing special. But hey there's 1 for 1 during Happy Hours for beer and selected drinks, not too bad a place to chill out after dinner especially with the cool night winds.
14th Feb 09 Valentine's Day @ Izakaya Tamako
This year's vday is a low budget production too, we didn't want to go anywhere with vday menus..lest we become carrots.
All set to go for dinner, at a cheap Japanese restaurant with 2nd hand smoke -.-' at 7.30pm
Oops, I forgot to take a pic of K and myself. This year's vday, no pic.
It's our second time here actually, within the same week. This small restaurant is located on the second floor-> directly above Concorde Hotel (old Le Meridien Hotel) food court.
The chef in charge of yakitori items. I am quite particular about hygiene and the chef doesn't give me enough confidence -.-
But let's put that aside..they say "Never see how the food is cooked else you won't want to eat it"
Seaweed in vinegar as free appetiser.
Miso mackerel $5.80
Yakitori set $12, 5 assorted sticks of your choice. In above there's chicken wing, chicken gizzard, pork belly, asparagus and golden mushrooms with pork. Not bad..sprinkled with chicken powder and Japanese spices.
Natto $3.80 , but we were charged $3.50 cos the bill was wrong. Above, nattou with soy sauce and mustard..K's favourite.
I am not a fan of squid BUT THIS IS MY FAV. Squid in mayo, Ikamayo at $5.80.
Ton Teri, which is pork skin and some flesh in sweet soy sauce kindda stuff. I am really glad that all the fats can be removed quite easily. Ton Teri at $5.80.
Charcoal grilled mussells, 5pcs for $12. Very worth eating it according to K.
Bill reflects $40..but we ordered 6 items o.O think we got a free squid or something. ^^'
Ok, to be honest..the food is seriously quite cheap for its quantity/quality.
We had pork curry the other day and it costs $7.80, miso grilled onigiri for $3.80..yum yum~ And there's no 7%, 10% charges here, all prices are nett.
If you are fine with a small dining area that accomodates 10+ people and smoking in aircon restaurant..this could be just the place for you =X
We found Crookie recently ^^ She now resides at the rubbish collection area >_>
Every evening we would drop by to feed her dinner.
A few weeks ago, Crookie kept meowing for us when we left..it seems like she was unsettled about her new home cos the junk was piling up and she couldn't enter her sleeping quarters.
Just a few days ago, Crookie was trotting after us round a bend, when a guy was taking his Jack Russell for a walk. Right after the bend, Crookie came into eye to eye contact with the dog that was about 1 metre away from her. Her immediate defence was to curl the body upwards and appear larger by fluffing up all her fur.
After the dog left *without any barking*, Crookie came towards us with her tail still fluffed up! She was trembling and unsettled while stepping around the same spot with her fluffy tail. But once Crookie calmed down, her tail became normal again. *cute*
But yesterday, we see a change in her O_O
Some naughty noisy children came by and tried to stomp their feet(they have done that MANY TIMES!) to scare her *while she was standing beside us*
Crookie actually stood her ground and went growling and hissing!
Ok I know those stupid kids won't get frightened off but its really surprising to see Crookie on the offensive side. Coincidentally, K's finger was pointing at Crookie and Crookie hissed at his finger as well -_-'
Suddenly, the black male came along.
And the next thing we knew was, he got paw-ed on the snout by Crookie.*PWNED*
We guessed it was because he intruded her home XDDDdd But still, that black male went in and sprayed his urine around zzz~
Crookie baobao at one of her cutest moments. ^^ <3
Went to trim and dye my hair @ the last minute, on CNY eve.
I had a good mind to change color or something..but well, blonde suits me so much that I have had it for the past 7 years O.o''
This time, I went into Auntie Annie's shop and she asked me,"Xiaomei, what you want to do today?" I replied that I wanted to dye but don't know which color to choose.
The next thing Annie suggested was, to try the color that one of the customers had just dyed and I actually said ok immediately lol~
Dark brown hair..still looks odd to me in the mirror.
On the 1st day of CNY, we dropped by Crookie's to visit them and drop them their new year goodies. But the 3 kittens were not around..I guessed the kids terrorized the hell outta them so they hid themselves. But Crookie heard us calling her and there she is..looking nervous due to the crowd+cars around.
There's K with Crookie, she ignored me cos she couldn't recognise me with boots on =((
I had a hard time looking for something decent in Singapore zzz~ In the end, I bought a leopard dress and 2 vests (1 black fur $22, 1 brown sheepfur $29) from Far East Plaza. It was really last minute for the black vest cos all the shops were closing and it was the LAST PIECE..coincidentally that's the shop where I bought my fur bag last year!
Left pic is CNY 1st day's attire. Boots from Taiwan auctions, black fur vest, leopard dress and fur bag...unfortunately coupled with a not-so-natural smile cos the bus was arriving at the bus stop >_>''.
Right pic is CNY 2nd day's attire. Sorta gothic feel dark brown & black checkered dress with heels from Taiwan. I quite like this combination, however this required some special hairdo else the whole thing looks PLAIN like JANE. In the end, I had my hair randomly pinned up like last year.
Special thanks to YJ for the leather+fur+silver accessories round my neck.
Oh and happy CNY to all~ HUAT AH!