These 3 kittens were found abandoned on 24th May 2009 morning, under woodlands block 173 void deck.
They were in a card board box sleeping quietly when K saw them, they look about 1-2 weeks old.
K was holding a pack of raw fish, so he returned home first before going down to look at these cute kittens. They were unable to walk, yet someone placed a small cup of milk outside the box..LOL? I arrived in a taxi shortly and took these pics and placed them on hope that some kind soul will bring them home asap as they need mum's milk/kittens' formula.
Why didn't we buy the kitten formula for them? Well, K has a point..he says if we buy the formula, we can only feed them for TODAY.
What about tomorrow?
And the day after?
Are we prolonging their time in a cruel sense instead?
They remind me of bearbear and puggy ='(
So cute...but their owner doesn't want them.
When we returned at night (after some postings and bumping of thread, no one adopted the kittens though) and the kittens were not there anymore.
I hope a kind soul took them in, or someone sent them to meet their maker.
Someone abandoned a box of 3 kittens (24/05/09)
Distant Worlds: Music from Final Fantasy Concert
We bought the tickets wayyyy back in March and now its finally 23rd May =D
K's a FF music fan, but for me its my first time listening to FF music.
2nd level circle seats.
The 1st half..I didn't manage to capture pictures for the 2nd half programme.
Sneaky pic before start of concert -_-''
The circle seats were really good and there was this guy that kept screaming "Noubo &@!@#$ San whenever he caught a glimpse of the main composer for FF songs, Nobuo Uematsu (great composer).
The conductor, Arnie Roth was fantastic too. But I have to say that our local vocalist, didn't quite make the mark. Was it unfair to compare her against Izumi Masuda @ Distant Worlds, Tokyo? I don't know, but the youtube video gave me more "feel" compared to the live orchestra performance at The Esplanade.
My Favourite for Singapore's Distant Worlds concert:
1. Distant Worlds
2. To Zanarkand
3. One Winged Angel
ZZM and BBMM are now officially part of the Tipped Ear Clan
Zzm was missing during dining time since last friday, I thought to myself maybe she went to give birth.
Fast forward to Monday, I was shaking my can of dried food expecting bbmm and llm to appear but zzm came meowing instead. I looked and wondered if she looked slimmer => gave birth. Meanwhile I squatted down to pour out the dried food and had a shock of my life! zzm is tipped ear!!! OMG?!
Later in the noon, I went to look for the auntie and it turned out that she had brought for ZZM for neutering and well the vet said 'OK' so they proceeded O_O
Poor zzm and her unborn kittens ='( Zzm was so whiny and kept meowing when I looked at her.
Tuesday morning, I signalled her to come up my lap. She made a 180 turn on my lap and rested her head on lap. When I took out my camera, she made a few adjustments.
Resting her hands on my wrist. Zzm has a habit of resting her paw paw on my arms when she's on my lap.
Still resting her paws on my arm and her head resting on her paws. Meow~
She needs some tender loving care =( I gave her some *Pat Pat* and she seems to be comforted by it. Later on, she also rested her head on my chest and she's such a cutie >_<
While I chatted with the auntie, she told me she sent zzm back and took bbmm away for neutering as well. OH MY~~~ now my new year wishes have been fulfiled =D
Here's bbmm back on the 3rd day. I found her later in the evening sleeping on her back, she's really whiny but she had her normal huge appetite =) One thing is..bbmm seems to have slimmed considerably in the 3 days, K commented bbmm's head shrunk or maybe should I say her cheeks? Lol~
Seems like the wound still hurts alot, so bbmm rested in this pose for the next 5mins
Unglam -.-'' I noticed there's some red that her raw flesh? I hope the vet had sewn bbmm's tummy well, I am worried. And I wanna complain..they cut too much of her ears!
I promised Swee that I will make him a box of chocolates as wedding gift (well part of the wedding gift) and here we are making it on the day just before the wedding.
After 5hours, the chocolates are finally out of their mould and gosh the heart shaped cups from Daiso fitted the chocolates nicely...except that the chocolates are having their butts facing up now >_>'''
The box I made earlier for storing these chocolates. For the DIY process, click here.
Coincidentally, the wedding theme was white and gold too!
Packed my accessories for tomorrow's trip and stayed over at K's place but I didn't manage to fall sleep until 6am+ O_O
Met up with the group at Tanah Merah Ferry Terminal and this a hell lot of docs to fill in.
Finally on the ferry. We were sitting on the 2nd deck and it was quite shaky all the way so I couldn't sleep.
K's sleeping soundly URGH~
Nvm~ I shall camwhore with myself.
Finally after a ferry, cab, buggy ride..we have arrived at the Tree Top area for the wedding ceremony.
Beautiful place with the "cliff" right beside the resort.
Unfortunately it was really humid, soon I felt like a post it pad.
But there was free flow of fruit juices and the staffs were really helpful, this reduced our discomfort. And to add on, they were nice enough to keep the chocolates for me in their fridge =D
At around 1pm, the main leads finally appeared! We were invited to sit down and witness the union of Sweeyang and Joyce.
"I hereby pronounce you, Husband and Wife" =D
One of the wedding favours, a fan. The other was the potpourri.
Wedding lunch at the Treetop Restaurant.
Menu for today.
Nice flowers and cutlery set.
The wedding lunch started with the bread being served, there were 3 different kinds.
One was like a baguette, another like those fried butterfly dough(with sesame seeds) and another was like a normal bread bun.
Olive herb butter and cheese to go with the bread. Everyone had more than 1 helping of the bread.
What seem like eternity... 20mins later, the appetiser was served, Parfait Salmon Tuna Tartar with creme Fraiche, Caviar with Gazpacho dressing. The name of this appetiser is really long and mouthful but in short, it was raw tuna with raw salmon(meaning of tartar = raw) with some cream, caviar and sour sauce. But I didn't like it at all(i had one bite though) as I don't take raw fish. K loves this appetiser alot.
Orders were taken for the main course with choices of chicken or fish and they took 40mins to arrive O_O By then, I was like quite full -_-'''
Blue Eyed Cod with Wasabi Mash(potato) and Confit Lemon Prawn dressing.
This dish was a hit with everyone! YUMMY!! Wasabi in mash potato was great cos it made it more refreshing and the lemon dressing had bits of lime leaves in it, which made it even more fragrant. Needless to say, the fish was cooked to perfection as well.
The Corn Fed Chicken with Gratin Potato Rosti, with mushroom ragout and tomato jam paled in comparison when compared to the other choice of main course. Other than tasting kind of chinese style, the shiitake mushrooms were "sandy" due to the spores =(
30mins later, dessert arrived and we were almost too full to care. Meanwhile Swee started giving a small speech regarding the trials of organising this wedding and why he chose bintan.
Dessert: Bitter chocolate mousse with Vanilla ice cream and caramel.
I hope this wedding cake was a complimentary gesture from Banyan Tree, cos it was really lousy...hope Swee didn't have to pay for such crap.
There was complimentary tea/coffee but no one could stomach anymore water so all the guests retreated to Swee's villa. Swee said he booked the largest villa available to accomodate all guests but its freaking expensive at US$900/night.
Overview of the villa, consists of a court yard, swimming pool/tanning area, 2 bedrooms.
Finally managed to get the groom to open his wedding gift. I took a deep breath and finally saw that the chocolates were still intact. *PHEW* The chocolates sure took a long long journey to arrive in his hands.
Swee said that he enjoyed the chocolates =D , boy am I glad to hear this.
A few hours later, the whole bunch of us left for the ferry terminal and I got to say that travelling to and fro bintan on the same day is freaking tiring, I was half dead the next day X_X
But this is definitely an unique and memorable experience =)