We were told by the feeder auntie that a kitten of the same color as Crookie recently appeared(about 10th June 09) near Crookie's area. For the next few days, we combed the area but we couldn't see/hear any kitten noises. One evening, we finally hear a kitten mewing in the drain and out it came..could this be puggy who went missing at 3 weeks old???
Well, the drain area where it reappeared coincides with the account of one of the grannies who said the kids took the kitten to block 6. So we are convinced by the size, color, age, gender that this should be Puggy!
For the next two days, we couldn't find him again but he reappeared one fine morning at Block 1 where bbmm, zzm and llm roam.
15th June 09:
This is LLM sniffing Puggy.
The coat color looks just like zzm, who is Puggy's mother's -> BBMM's sibling.
Puggy is a hungry kitty who went "melllllllllllllmelllllllll" while jumping.
He's so thin :'( I wonder who took him away when he was 3weeks old and why is he back on the streets again.
Sad look in Puggy's eyes.
16th June 09:
We came on another morning and saw Puggy playing with 2 malay boys. They said that they will take care of him..We hope so.
Here's Puggy after a full meal, lying on his back. Just like Crookie, bbmm, zzm, llm..puggy has the trademark white mouth too, that's what makes them even cuter! >_<
I saw the malay boys cradled Puggy so I prompted K to try it as well.
Puggy was not really in the mood to be cradled but he stayed put.
K said he felt like a father and his baby is a kitten LOL~
Suddenly, K hummed some random mewing song and Puggy looks up stunned with his hands straight down.
17th June 09:
Didn't manage to see Puggy till the boys brought him down during dinner time. Puggy is quite attached to them already, I hope they will love Puggy well.
Precious moment for bbmm and Puggy, reunion of the mother and son. It seems like bbmm does sort of recall Puggy's scent cos bbmm didn't hiss at Puggy and even licked his ear tip after the meal.
After the meal, Puggy was poking his nose around the area and bbmm looked from a distance with this blur look on her face. Could she be recalling about her babies?
However, this is the last time we saw Puggy and the boys didn't come down to play lately too ='( , let's hope Puggy is fine.
Today's K's granny's birthday dinner..
Time to wear my new dress from last last week's bargains, thought it would be too sweet but seems like putting on a pink ball rubberband is still ok LOL~
K's having a stomach upset, so I camwhored abit >_>''' And this kitty pose from Asian Poses, something new to me.
At the restaurant. We were supposed to visit the kitties, but thought we would be too late so we skipped that. Behind us, are some previous herbs and dried whole lizard, deer penis..etc etc -_-'
Inspired by "Night at Museum 2"...I am thinking.
As dinner was nearing the end, the waitress came over and asked if we wanted to try scorpions. Being adventurous, we ordered one each round the table. Soon the scorpions came and hmm~ K's scorpion looks FAT N JUICY ewwww~~
This is mine. It has this weird taste when I chewed the body and the tail together cos entire scorpion came off from the fried whatever, in the first bite. The weird taste was like woody..or maybe musky??
K's juicy one. He enjoyed the tail particularly.Finally we can say, we tried scorpions before =D
Support for an entrepreneur from EDMW (06/06/09)
This is actually a long overdue visit we were supposed to make to Amulet's stall located at Bukit Batok industrial area. I wanted to visit her stall as I admired her entrepreneurial spirit, being a hawker is really tedious and requires tonnes of hardwork.
We actually rushed down today morning as we heard she's closing her stall and partly due to the fact that some EDMWers will be going down, so we had more information from the forum thread before this.
We alighted at the wrong stop -.-' so we walked for 15mins before finally finding this place >=0
Some said putting her baby's pic on the signboard was unprofessional, but I don't think so cos we are talking about an easily identifiable stall name/logo here.
We ordered the ngoh hiang, beehoon+noodle+kway tiao, fried egg and veggie. Tasted not bad overall...the ngoh hiang, egg and kway tiao was especially good.
Some edmwers were already eating when we arrived and since we didn't post our attendance in the thread, we decided to remain anonymous. Then some of them suspected us to be edmwers, so later on the organiser decided to call us to the main table. We joined them for awhile, but had no common topic so we left. Well, actually both of us were lurkers and what can we chat about since we are meeting for the first time, there's this silent awkwardness unlike the rest who are more talkative.
Btw, edmw is one of the most happening forums with the fastest updates and beats the 154th media anytime.
This is pretty sick..for the past 1 week something happened to LLM, BBMM, ZZM
First it started with llm and bbmm both down with limping front left leg, except llm had a more serious injury than bbmm.
Then when llm was about to recover after 4 days, she was down with another injury. This time its her hind left paw, it seems like a thorn is stuck in her pad or she got stung cos the paw swelled for the next few days =(
We registered a vet appointment for her, but she seems fine today. Maybe we should continue to monitor instead of putting her through the trauma of going to the vet in the carrier >_>'
Wed morning:
Back to zzm, we visited all 3 of them on wednesday morning. Fed them and we sat down at the Senior Citizens' Corner. Zzm came over and hopped up the stone chair.
At the same time, there was this half naked Uncle with a tattoo on his arm, sitting on the stone bench. He raised his fist as if wanting to hit zzm. K got scared and signalled me to leave.
As we had something on, we had to leave asap else there is no time to make the chocs and cake for my friend.
After we left, we headed to the nearby kopitiam for breakfast and that was where we saw the other feeder, Auntie Ping. She told us that her friend who feeds the kitties in the morning noticed this man who is sitting downstairs half naked, stared at her when she fed the cats. Another thing was that, her friend would fill up the waterbowls and find them emptied later. She suspected that the half naked man emptied the waterbowl. Upon hearing that, we nodded in agreement because the man was around this morning too and was hostile to zzm.
Thursday morning:
We saw the kitties and noticed that zzm had the same injury, left front limping leg as llm and bbmm. SOMETHING IS NOT RIGHT!
So who abused my poor kitties ='(
Self rewarding week & Da Vinci Exhibition
Have been burdened by this certification exam for sometime..its finally over!
And its time to reward myself, however these are short term gratification as guilt follows shortly after -_-''
I have some long overdue shopping which was done during this week..ouch~ my wallet hurts.
Think the total came up to 2K+ ~_~
- Upgrade facial package
- Clothes ( 2 levis, 2 working tops, 2 working pants, 2 dresses, 1 casual top for fridays)
- Baking course for artisan breads
And there's still shoes and bags that I need to replace ._.''
I spent my entire Saturday shopping at Far East Plaza and Taka and it was rewarding. The main reason I like shopping is because I love to look for bargains. Well, as a rule of the thumb, I only buy things that are worth what they are. Too costly? Next please.
I am happy with my purchases especially the Levis Jeans. Not quite due to the brand, but because they had the 2 pairs for $99 and there was boot cut designs! Boot cut designs are rare these days, don't know what's nice about skinnys though. Esprit working tops are decent enough at $30 each. 2 dresses at $12.90 each, it says no trying so I kept my fingers crossed...luckily it fit me just right.
We went to the Science Centre, Singapore on Sunday using Corporate Passes. Yay for free entry.
$2 off Da Vinci Exhibition tickets -> $13. Well, its worth your every cent.
The famous drawing, all about the golden ratio.
We spent about 3 hours in the Da Vinci Exhibition and we couldn't get enough lol~
I can't help but shake my head, regarding the horse that Da Vinci spent 16 years on. He could have achieved so much more *sigh*
And unfortunately, the Science Centre closes at about 6pm else we could have stayed longer.
One best quote from Da Vinci:
Marriage is like putting your hands in a bag of snakes hoping to find an eel.