26/1 Shopping For New Year Clothes Part I
Joke of the Day 1:
Jon asked, "If i write my own name in the death note to identify its my notebook after i pick it up, will i die?"
*Jon shivers and grabs his heart..wiggles ard* XD
Joke of the Day 2:
*The identities of the persons involved have been changed to protect them * lol
Person L asks Person K, "Are you all avoiding him?"
Person K: "No lah where got..no la dun have..." *tries hard to explain himself*
Person L: "You are not true to me!"
Person L: "Then why u all isolate me as well??"
Person K: "Cos u close to him mah"
Person L: "Nonsense where got!"
Person K: "But out of us u are the closet leh" * XD *
Person L: ...........................
Its a joke, cos we all know person L is always hanging out with the person avoided and it was darn obvious we avoided him tt day. Den why person L still wanna ask?
Dragged bibi down to shop at orchard on friday but he said he's lazy to buy his stuff..so we went in search for dinner here at Far East Plaza, and dunk the 同乐鸡饭 tastes damn lousy now..so I was so dissatisfied and we went to Lvl 1 and saw this new stall. The concept of food is 香港茶餐厅. Its quite pricey considering the type of food serve, but at least it satisfied my taste buds.
Give it a try when you drop by next time!
Hot dog bun with cheese and bacon *tad too dry though*, and milk tea.
Pork Floss with cheese slices semi melted over thick toast. Pretty good, but could have been better when cheese is melted longer. Too bad no feedback form there -.-
The counter's side, with board displaying all items
I attended a few farewell lunches since I joined this project and now its my turn.
Collegues decided to try this brazilian restuarant called Samba at Katong Village.
Hilarious i tell you.. Here's pics for the ambience it seems like we booked the whole restaurant but hey, there was not a single soul there XD. We went and saw the pricing at $12 nett per set lunch..Funny tt this brazilian restaurant has red lanterns and *gasp* yellow pineapples hanging at the entrance for New Year -.-'
And the food..which was amazingly atrocious..ok since its a treat i shant call it lousy, but if u ask me if i am going there again, its a NO.
Chicken soup as soup of the day..omg it really tastes like the CHICKEN SOUP u get in hainanese chicken rice stall. Its that bad, and look it has spring onions too.. -.-
Salad: Allowed to choose 2 from the list, my team lead chose tuna and tomato salad..omg it was really TUNA on its OWN and slices of tomato =.=' can't they dice it?!
My tuna and potato salad..eek
Spaghetti as main course, can choose 2 meat to go with it. I choose chicken drumstick and dory fish. omg~~~~ MINI drumlets and scraps of dory fish. And look the cut the pasta with scissors before serving @.@
As we were wondering about the lightning speed they serve food, the chef came up and said,"U are supposed to mix all and eat together.." We looked at each other and tot..then why u bother to serve us on different plates and at different timing in the first place..-_-
Dessert included in set meal, the price tag reads 3 bucks. Its syrup with jelly and cocktail..eeee who wants to pay $3 bucks for it. Mine's mango syrup, not so bad. Some others like orange flavoured ones tastes like fever medicine XD
Brazilian factor : 0/10
Taste: 5/10 bibi's aunt cooks better -.-
Ambience: 5/10, whats the chinese new yr deco doing here??
But hey its my farewell, i really appreciate the treat alot. THANK U pple!
The Conspiracy Episode 10 : The Aura of Protection
The Conspiracy Episode 9
Why is it episode 9? Because we have started UAT for 9 weeks. Recently as mentioned Co. IR4 has been axed on the spot. Now following my transfer out to another team*o man i m so happy* , another colleague is about to be transferred as well right after he makes a mistake.
The reasons on why Co IR 4 was axed was likely to be because he cannot do his work well, and most importantly the process he was in charge of could not be delivered on time, so to give a sufficient good reason to the customer, these management pple may say,"Oh the guy doing this process has left the company suddenly, thats why its delayed."
So in short, he may have been made a scapegoat -.-'
As for me, why was I transferred..hmm i duno really know but I think because me and boss buey gum (dun get along well) so she prolly puts me next on the list *lol*
Whether she transferred me to save me from the clutches of the one who is aiming me, or whether its because she dun like me, I dun really care you know..
Just yesterday, mind you a saturday weekend, I went down at 2pm to redhill to verify that my process going out for testing next week is working. Knn waste my weekend only, go down there the side menu links are NOT WORKING AS EXPECTED and I could not even access my program. The email requesting for changes were sent on Monday..friday I even sms that god damn pet of boss ( he is in charge of that) , and its still not done.
Its not only ME you know, another colleague is affected too. I duno whether he is on my side to point fingers towards the pets anot lah, but I am already damn DL about all these cok up.
So I wrote a email to boss at about 6plus complaining on the inefficiency on the changes to the side menu resulting in waste of time and the issue of defects.
This issue of defects...made me boil because they should not be there in the first place. I have done my program according to user specifications, and the tester at customer site said its wrong.
Those boss pets should have been at the meeting, arguing whether this defect is valid. They can just refer to the user specs, it should not be so hard to flip a couple of pages given the fact that they had hands and fingers. Either they have not done their job at the meetings, or they have been sponges just accepting whatever the customer throws to them. So in short this scenario is like, my pgrm shows A screen, and the tester tot it should be B screen, and the user specs says A screen.
So with my email sent, I was awaiting for reply when boss replied at 9pm with smth totally out of point. If i had to mark the essay she sent me, I would give her less than 5/10 for content. Its not even close to the point I was trying to make in the email.
Don't tell me she's using the method of "If you can't convince them, confuse them." CRAP!
So there I was sending her a email (cc to rest of the team) to complain her pets not doing their work, and here she is replying about how much work is needed to just ensure things work.
When inefficiency is encountered for the past 8 weeks, it does not mean you just accept it and think because its hard work to do it..so its ok it gets delayed or what not. You are supposed to find the root of the problem and resolve it so it doesnt get in your way. Duno what point she's trying to make in her email you know... anyway I think she either misread or accidentally misunderstood my point, I will get my evidence and show her on monday.
Nonetheless she called for a meeting on Monday 11am,saying she wanted to know what happen on saturday and wanted to know which other colleague is involved too. I duno if this colleague is daring enough or is he su la (coward) but I will be maintaining my stand, and I am leaving soon..I dun really care. So what if she targets me in my new dept..*although I doubt she has such big influence or time to come and ka jiao me..she should be trying her best to shield off arrows for herself and her pets* , I am still combing the classifieds and Jobs webby for a new job.
Next week is week10, so its next episode next week with the starting of Boss protecting her pets.
We had this logic here:
if( reasoning.isFromPet( ) && boss.isStupidManagement( ) ){
reason = false;
while(employee.isNotPet( ) ){
employee.doShitWork( ) = true;
The first one means, if the reasoning is from the pet and the boss is of stupid management lvl, there is no reasoning in this case, they listen to the pets talk only.
And while employee is not a pet, the employee does all the shit work.
Just on Friday, colleague J got back stabbed by one of the pets. It happened like this, J was in charge of this process which had a critical error suddenly and is due for testing at customer site for the coming week. So he told the pet, that something is missing from the database(the pet's job) then before Boss talked to colleague J (boss wanted to lim kopi with J since wednesday/thursday), the pet strucked first.
Two pets went to talk to boss, saying its not their problem and that its J's coding problem..blah blah blah~ so it means the two pets 先发制人.(struck first to gain upperhand)
So after pushing the blame to J clean and clear, boss invited J to go meeting room to lim kopi. After that, J's face looked murderous before he went to the meeting room he looked sad.
So J said he's gonna be transferred too. We are so happy for him -.-' But this is not a grand exit, it seems like you did smth no good and you are transferred. >.>
Meanwhile, colleague commented my sending of email this weekend sounds like, you are leaving and you want to leave with a big bang right?
No its not a big bang, but I will be wishing for the downfall of these useless bums everyday.
Transfer is confirmed 99%, 1st Feb i shall be leaving this dumb S project.
I will miss the lunch kakis and helpful collegues :'(
It seems the new team will have quite alot of indians, i might have problems understanding the language but heck..i must learn smth new and useful there, its FOC afterall @_@
Over the first week of Jan, my shoes became:
Poor shoes ..i often abuse my shoes..shucks~
And I played overnite mahjong and survived till 6am while coding via VPN and in between having mac breakfast at 4am plus! Look at the time on the photo..
Just yesterday and today I had a total of 3 egg tarts, this pastry chef in the canteen makes great tarts..even better than the one we had in HK. The egg tart was hot with the egg is bobbing up and down in the crust *slurp*
This is a misc post as I have free time now XD -.-'
The situation now is like this,
I am in a international football club, the manager is dissatisfied with me and threw a boot in my face in the changing room. My contract with this football club is ending soon, the manager decides to put me up for free transfer, loan me off to other clubs or wait for me to quit club.
So the transfer window is open now, I am negotiating with other teams to see if I can make a deal elsewhere.
Sounds like beckham's story, oh yes its happening to me as well except tt I am in IT and the manager threw emails in my face not a boot. An internal transfer may take place in Feb if boss releases me...
Well, it would be great to learn ERP and such in the new team..will be missing the great collegues here minus 3 statues~
Something drastic happened today, till now i am still in the disbelief mode. -.-'
Suay things come in a package I tell you.
Firstly, morning we had a meeting with the management on solving of defects from testing at customer's site. So it was down to the questioning of WHY is THIS NOT DONE? Why is it delayed? When is it gonna be done?
My poor team leader was targetted and shot all over. And as usual what ever reasons given sounds like an excuse to those management pple.
Second meeting started right after the first, with the same pple involved. This time there's a new target board..as usual scold scold scold..blah blah blah...~
After that it was this huge downpour after we left for lunch with insufficient umbrellas, so we got delayed..and finally got back to comfy office later.
At about 5pm this news started from one msn contact, the news that Co. IR4 was sacked and asked to leave on the spot.
I thought this only happens in dramas whereby the person is fired on the spot with the letter thrown in his face and he packs his stuff, and leave escorted with pple.
It happened in office today!
Everyone was silent, and looking at the procession leaving with him, or rather sending him to the door step.
After boss came up, our antenae picked up a few signals..something like, Co. IR4 said he would go to the police or smth.. Afraid that he wld come back and do something disastrous, boss asked if the guards could prevent him from coming back in.
*he was nicknamed suicide bomber -.-*
Although he did us many wrongs, but being sacked on the spot was something none of us foreseen. As I heard earlier on, that Co. IR4 maybe the scapegoat for xxx so maybe that's why he has been killed as sacrificial item or killed as a warning to all. =.=
Can I have your phone number? Part 2
Feeling bored, at ard 5pm i went to see if kitty is there.
O yes she is, so is the malay who asked for my number the other time.
This time he asked again.
Malay : "How's work? How's everything? ...blah blah "
Me : *Luckily he nv ask hows the weather*
Me: "Ok lor..busy."
Malay: "Who is that FAT guy? "
Me: o.o fat guy? "Oh thats my uni fren, now my collegue." XD
*Sorry jon u were referred as the fat guy again*
Malay: "Oh I see..does your bf like cats?"
Me: "O he prefers dogs. -.-"
Malay: *Mutters smth i cant hear*
Me: "??" *turns to go back office*
Malay: "Can i have your number?"
Me: "I pass you my namecard next time den, my number is on it."
Malay: "C'mon its just a phone number"
Me: "Ok, 9xxx xxxx"
*Does misc stuff, goes back office*
Jon says I shld have replied the fat guy is my bf's fren and will whack anyone that comes near me. *LOL* And that should set him off. But anyway i tot of a good excuse, a truly good one,
i LOVE pork too much, sorry~
Thought of the Day: I do not like spies.
Recently boss is back in office together with aishen.
They are back for appraisal thingy.
The dreaded appraisal, whereby team leaders, supervisors go through the quality of work that we low down employees deliver.
How come no employees appraises the GDI supervisors?
I wld jolly well give them a failing grade because:
- They send nonsense emails
- They do stupid things like walking around and trying to push us by talking
- They make us do things that are out of job scope and say we cant deliver our own stuff on time
- They say no more leave to be taken after they cleared they own leave, cant they forsee when pple go on leave, work goes behind schedule
Just went for appraisal, there must be a spy somewhere.
Damn u spy! I hate spies..i wish to kill u with radioactive object now!!!
I got a few suspects on hand already..u shall be cursed right now from this moment.
Boss says wor, " I have been told that yy is always surfing the net,
yy is always msning. Please keep it minimal during office hrs."
"I was also informed on your disappearance in the morning, see cat ar?"
Then i replied her, morning? O i go fill up my cup and walk around then come back lor. Then she says dont go for so long like half hr.
I told her no la, where got at most 15 to 20mins.
And she asked, "Are you staying till july?"
I was quite taken aback when she asked that -.- den I replied, "Not say I want to go, then can go one leh."
Boss: "Why not? "
Me: "Cos i have to find the next job first mah."
Boss: "I am very direct. You will be looking out of *** (company name) or within?"
Me: "Will be lookin around be it internal shuffle or new job. For personal interests or IT field." *zzzz*
Another part of conversation,
Boss: " How are you adapting? Getting scolded every now and then. Getting pushed by me, QA others..."
Me: "Its the problem of getting used to it lah. I am getting into the pace required. " *Tried to smile sincerely at the end of appraisal*
Did she see the knives in my smile? No la, my acting not so bad bah. -.-''
There is this crisis here..I think..I spent too much after getting my bonus.
Dim Sum For Parents: $133
Dim Sum For frens : $96
Buying shoes : $45
Roller blades : $199
Bibi's anniversary present : Chelsea windbreaker $92
And some more to come..oh shiet spent more than $500 le..this is saddening..
I almost indugled in buying some 3 clothings from a china seller which i fell in love with.
In case you do not know, I have a thing for winter clothings/accessories. For example boots, mufflers, fur(whatever) stuff.
But Singapore is right on the Equator, so well I had no chance of doning those stuff I like.
I want to buy a white rabbit fur belt, anyone saw it around? The china seller wants to sell me @ RMB165 /pc , so expensive...zzz
And I would like a pair of boots as well T_T, I used to have one which I wore all over the place with almost any outfit when I was in uni 1st-2 year..I must be known as "Puss in boots" , *pun not intended*.
I know boots is hard to match but I like it..and with all the surfing on Ebay and Taobao China, the business spirit in me has awaken.
I used to sell silver accessories online, but stopped cos the supplier stopped supplying.
Maybe shoes and stuff would be good.
If you have lobang for NICE pretty fashion Bags/Shoes/Dresses, tag my board now with ur msn!
Happening of the Day:
Boss sent a email with !!!!???, and no more approval of annual leave..blah
blah blah.. u think its useful? o.0
Ranking does not mean anything:
- The Prestige
- Pirates of the Carribbean 2
- Night at the museum
- Da Vinci Code
- MI3
Happy Belated New Year to All!
Its a new year, new mood, new look, new direction
This year I must be
- 你高兴, 我比你更高兴
- 你难过,我更高兴
Thought of the Day:
Round 1 : YY VS Tester 1-0
First day at work in year 2007, i felt rejunvenated after the 6 days break lmao~
New hair, but no gel of shiet... nvm i love my new hair
Ok start work~